Aromatherapy April

The irresistible feeling of warmth you get from smelling fresh, baked cookies. Now, that’s something you will never forget. It turns out, our sense of smell is strongly associated with our emotions and memories. As humans, we can distinguish about 1 trillion different smells. It’s the smells that count which truly shape our memories throughout our lifetimes. 

Just as how the smell of food can illuminate one’s day, scents from certain essential oils can be especially pleasing to many of us.

This spring, brighten up your mood by practicing Aromatherapy and fill your room fresh scents!

Aromatherapy refers to the practice of using essential oils to improve your mood and mental well being. Although officially recognized in 1928, Aromatherapy has been used for centuries in different civilizations as a way to naturally improve one’s physical and mental health.

When you inhale the scents from an essential oil, the molecules travel through the olfactory nerves. These molecules then send a message to the brain and impact your amygdala! The response? Your brain can stimulate certain emotions from these aromas and scents. 

You can enjoy aromatherapy in many different ways:


Add a few drops of essential oil to a diffuser which can disperse an aroma into the air

Steam Inhalation

Add a few drops of essential oil into a bowl of hot water. Cover your head with a cloth and breathe in the steam. You can also add essential oil to any absorbent material such as a cotton ball and inhale.

Aromatherapy Bath

Add a few drops of essential oil into a dispersing agent. Place this dispersant into water and enjoy a relaxing bath.

There are a variety of essential oils from different plants that you can easily get your hands on. Romanticize your surroundings by trying out these famous essential oils:

Tea Tree

Its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties offer a cooling and refreshing scent


Its sharp and refreshing aroma promotes alertness and 


Its sweet and flowery aroma is perfect to promote calmness


Its cooling effect helps clear sinuses and promotes breathing


Its light and citrus scent uplifts the room and your mood


Its earthy undertone and invigorating smell invites you to be productive and energized

The next time you feel a sense of stress, try aromatherapy, a fresh new way of being healthy that alleviates tension and promotes feelings of happiness!


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