National Self-Care Month: 5 Ways to Put Your Mental Health First

National Self-Care Month serves as an important reminder of the importance of self-care for everyone. In addition to reminding us to take care of ourselves, National Self-Care Month is a great opportunity to teach younger generations to prioritize their mental well-being. This post will dive into 5 things that parents, caretakers, and educators can do to build a habit in children of putting their mental health first.

  1. Lead By Example

    Children often model their behavior after adults and role models. Practicing self-care yourself is thus a crucial step for instilling the importance of self-care in children. Express emotions healthily, demonstrate how you manage stress, and show them your favorite way to relax! Exposing children to role models and adults who value self-care increase the likelihood that they adopt these habits into their own life.

  2. Encourage Open Communication

    Create a safe and supportive environment in which children feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and emotions. Encourage them to be open about their feelings and concerns, and listen actively to help them feel understood.

  3. Teach Emotion Regulation

    Find ways to help your child effectively understand and manage their emotions. This can include deep-breathing techniques, meditation, listening to music, or expressing their feelings through art. What works best varies from individual to individual, so work with your child to figure out what works best!

  4. Establish Healthy Routines

    Consistent routines are important for creating a sense of stability and security in children. Make sure that their schedules include a healthy balance of academics, exercise, rest, social interaction, and play. Encourage them to take breaks in these activities to give them time to recharge. Finally, work together with your child to create a balanced schedule to give them a sense of agency over their routine.

  5. Promote Self-Compassion

    Last but not least, teach your child self-compassion and kindness. Guide them in reframing negative self-talk and embracing a growth mindset. Finally, encourage them to treat themselves with the same kindness they would offer a friend.


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